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What time does Nio (Nio) trade after hours?

Nasdaq provides market information on after hours trading daily from 4:15 p.m. ET to 3:30 p.m. ET on the following day. Get the latest updates on NIO Inc. American depositary shares, each representing one Class A ordinary share (NIO) after hours trades, after hours share volumes, and more. Make informed investments with Nasdaq.

Why did Nio stock jump 20% in early trading?

Hong Kong-listed shares of Chinese electric vehicle maker Nio Inc jumped 20% in early trading, after its vehicle deliveries more than doubled in April. The Chinese electric-vehicle maker's shares are on track for their largest one-day gain in more than two years.

How much does Nio EV cost?

Chinese electric vehicle (EV) startup Nio has set the starting price of the new version of its ET7 sedan at 428,000 yuan ($59,063), its chief executive said on Thursday. Get a real-time NIO Inc. (NIO) stock price quote with breaking news, financials, statistics, charts and more.

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